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Showing posts from March, 2015

HBD to Me

Seperti biasa, aku selalu berharap Miracle March. Tidak hanya berharap sebenarnya, lebih ke arah aku percaya ada sesuatu yang menakjubkan di bulan Maret ini. Aku berusaha menekan diri untuk lebih positif di bulan ini (dan seterusnya), karena aku lagi percaya banget sama kekuatan kata-kata "There is too much reason to be Happy".  13 hari di bulan Maret sudah terlewati. Pengalaman baru terbang ke utara kalimantan tentu jadi hal yang seru. Dan diselingi kepergian salah satu my boy Milky, entah karena apa. Mungkin kepalanya terbentur setelah berantem sama sodaranya si Mongon. Yak tepat jam11 malam. Aku pergi dengan kalut mencari Vet malam hari dengan Milky dalam box. Yes he die in my lap.  27 bukan angka cantik. 3 tahun lagi 30 tahun. Mungkin cuma itu yang bisa aku jadikan patokan untuk mid term target : go abroad. Dan untuk tahun ini aku akan memaksakan memiliki sebuah rumah. I have no choice. Value of money makin terpuruk. Setelah dapat rumah secepatnya aku mau beli mobil juga,...

Milky Boy

One of my cats die last night. I dont know how and dont wanna know how. All I know is Milky cannot move in front of my neighbour house. And many man surrounding him. "He fighting with her brother" some man said that. "The grey one right?" "Yes, he is" All I know next was dropping him to the vet as soon as possible. I knew its almost impossible, no clinic open until 11pm. But I think Its better choice than I just sit and see him die in my lap. He still moved when I still on the way to vet. First vet closed and no one there. Neither second vet. I started crying after that. Every 5 minutes I checked the basket. Until I realized that his eyes never closed.  Finally I give up and take him home. Some man ask about him after I coming home. Thanks for your sympathy sir, I really appreciate that.  Milky boy, He is one of Oddie's child. He always get bullied by his brother when they still at home. But when they were grow old, he is the lead...