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Plan and Hope for 2017

2016 almost over, just like another yearly post. I want to keep my plan and hope for 2017 here. Maybe one of you can make it happens. :)

2016 is survival years. I just need to be survive whatever it's way. Then what's happen? I have a lot of lend money. From project-less, religious camp, hospital and physio fee, Vespa repair cost, until airplane ticket that I bought to get home.

2016 get me new record about going back home. Three times in one year, it's new record for last 14 after leaving home. First was because my mom got stroke attack, second for Eid mubarak, and third for manage assets of our family.

2017, It's time to get back build our file. Here is the list :

1. Volarea get a good playgroup, just to learn about social life and have a playmate.
2. Pay off all debts.
3. Have a car.
4. Family trip before last of this list.
5. Family visit to Kabanjahe and Banjarbaru.
6. Have passive income from Banjarbaru house.
7. Have a new child?



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