It's been a week in 2015. For some people, the date is just a number. No more than that. But for me, it's needed for we can make some milestone or benchmark to our life.
Okay, Welcome to 2015!
Target in personality
- Be happier person
- Stop complaining
- Good at anger management
- Stop talk later in all condition. Because, in my head later means no.
- Take a notes for everything that needed to remind.
- Appreciate for everything that i have.
- Discipline in pray and odoj
- Take more time with family without mobile phone
- Take care of Oddie
- More social-care
Target and Hope
- Big family trip to Derawan island in Lebaran day! ^^
- Short trip to Bandung in January and Yogyakarta in March.
- Visiting all brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law house.
- Keep contact with my mother and parents-in-law by phone. :D
- Own a land with 120m2 area or house with 120m2 area in Bogor (hopefully before Lebaran)
- Have a car (Mini Cooper white - High, Toyota Rush TRD Sportivo white - Middle, Toyota Soluna red - Low)
- Have a new Macbook Pro
Why so detail?
Because of talk of a ustadz that all kind of hope and pray should be specific and clear.
Maybe Allah get easier to answer our pray? Who knows?
Let's hope and hard work!^^
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