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Dutchman call it Batavia..
Betawi people call it Jakarte..

What do you think at first about Jakarta?
I will said it all about money. In this city, the money flow so quickly. Money easy come and easy go. Few years ago, I afraid of being Money Hunter. I will just live for money. No time for family, no time for hobbies. Just grab bunch of money, and spend it fast. Buy something expensive, travel to another country or destination in Indonesia.

I live in Bogor for last 4 years, and work at Jakarta at the same time. I commute everyday for 2-4 hours. It's almost 4/24 = 1/6 of my day spent at railway and road. Get bored? Sometimes. But for now, I just enjoyed it. Because the office near from my home. Less than 2 hours a day.

My wife always ask me, when we will move to another country, or just move to Jogja. Honestly, I miss Jogja. There is so calm city, no need to rush. But, I read from media that Jogja become metropolitan city where malls and hotels built everywhere. Move to another country? Hahaha. Dream eh? Yeah, our dream is move to another country. Get scholarship and work in that country. The dream still in progress. Hehehe. We still waited for graduation ceremony. After that, maybe get some test for English like TOEFL or IELTS. Like this post, I like to try my English. I know my English not so good. But if I do not try to write or speak in English, I wouldn't know how bad is my English.

Move from Jakarta?
Soon.. Hopefully


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