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Target and Hope in 2015

It's been a week in 2015. For some people, the date is just a number. No more than that. But for me, it's needed for we can make some milestone or benchmark to our life.

Okay, Welcome to 2015!

Target in personality
  1. Be happier person
  2. Stop complaining
  3. Good at anger management
  4. Stop talk later in all condition. Because, in my head later means no.
  5. Take a notes for everything that needed to remind.
  6. Appreciate for everything that i have.
  7. Discipline in pray and odoj
  8. Take more time with family without mobile phone
  9. Take care of Oddie
  10. More social-care

Target and Hope
  1. Big family trip to Derawan island in Lebaran day! ^^
  2. Short trip to Bandung in January and Yogyakarta in March.
  3. Visiting all brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law house.
  4. Keep contact with my mother and parents-in-law by phone. :D
  5. Own a land with 120m2 area or house with 120m2 area in Bogor (hopefully before Lebaran)
  6. Have a car (Mini Cooper white - High, Toyota Rush TRD Sportivo white - Middle, Toyota Soluna red - Low)
  7. Have a new Macbook Pro

Why so detail? 
Because of talk of a ustadz that all kind of hope and pray should be specific and clear.
Maybe Allah get easier to answer our pray? Who knows?

Let's hope and hard work!^^


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