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East Java Quick Trip

Quick Trip to East Java : Sponsored by My Mom.
August 7th-9th 2015

The real purpose on this this is wedding day of family at UMM dome Malang. My mom already retired per August 1st, 2015 as headmaster of the school. Almost life time dedication for education, 41 years.

So she decide to gathering with her granddaughters when they visit Malang to wedding day. 

Friday morning start 3 am from home then ride a bus to airport. Report flight at the airport. I expect too much from Batik Air to get some full breakfast. Hahaha. 

Arrived at Surabaya at 7:30 am, but rental car not yet has to come to pick us. So we have to wait until 9 am.
Because we are too starving to start the journey, we decide to grab a brunch at Nasi Bebek Sinjai in Bangkalan, Madura. Great taste, but too far in my opinion. We must across Suramadu bridge and pay 35K.

After finish some brunch, we start the journey to Tulungagung, I don't know what happens in the way. Because I'm to sleepy to talk with driver. We arrived in Tulungagung after 5 hours journey. We visit long-time-no-see family. Then we continue journey to Malang come at wedding ceremony. And after that, we go to Batu Night Spectacular and Taman Safari II Prigen.


Batu Night Spectacular


BNS all-you-can-play

Ayah! Look at huge Bison!

It's Cat!

Ga boleh pegang kepala katanya, meh. ga acik!

Dibawah jembatan ada sarang buaya. :))


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