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Penguin is Back!

Penguin is back to my laptop!

After finished my diploma in Gadjah Mada University, I never really use Penguin in my laptop. Oh, I forgot something. I just not installed to my laptop, because in 2011 I work with Penguin in my office, Samudera Indonesia Tbk. This company using open source policy to their software. Incredible. But when I left the company (kicked out actually), they back to use Win.

Before this, I already tried to install Ubuntu (one of most popular Penguin) to my laptop. But they said, Ubuntu not support amd 64 bit. So, I tried to install another Penguin, OpenSuse. But I'm not satisfied. So, I go back to Win.

After leave my last office, I want to try Penguin again. Ubuntu said that they support AMD 64 bit now, woohoo.

This Penguin is dedicated to support my target in my post before this. Penguin is really need internet connection, my internet quota has over limit. So it's gonna slower speed of internet.

My first problem is Ubuntu not detect my wifi. My laptop has broadcom 4312 series of wifi adapter. I must have own driver to install. After find how to enable my wifi for more than 72 hours, finally I can enable my wifi.

I got this trick from

You need to install wireless driver.

Insert your Ubuntu installation disk or a flash drive and copy these files from the installation disk to your Home directory:

Then run the following in terminal:

sudo dpkg -i *.deb
In Ubuntu 14.04.2 the driver will not build

If you have 14.04.2, then download 64-BIT DRIVER FROM UBUNTU REPOSITORY or 32-BIT DRIVER, copy it to your home folder and run the same command. But you still need dkms_XXXXX.deb file from installation disk. Or you you can download it from HERE.

Ubuntu 14.04.2 has 3.16 kernel, but the installation image contains an old driver, which does not build for that kernel.

 Yay, let's start to coding.


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