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Time to Redevelop

My adventure in Oil n Gas company was over in the end of 2015. Because one and another reason. Beside of the reason, oil and gas sector were in bad condition. By today, price of crude oil per barrel is under $40. This is below of production cost. I don't know what happened with oil and gas sector. Our contract was under reviewed (before I left) make uncertainty condition in office.

I work with Pertamina Hulu Energi since end of 2012, exactly 3 years. I develop application using classic ASP and Oracle. Because of some upgrade request, I develop it using .NET for 6 month, and back to classic ASP. Not much that I could learned from 6 month using .NET. I just copy, modify and run the code from my partner. But then, I was sent to class of ASP.NET, not really helped. Maybe just make me have a certification for that class.

When I go back to PHP, I realize that I'm not updated about technology. I still using CodeIgniter when another people use Laravel. Some of my friend, learn about AngularJS, Python, Ruby. Oh darn, where am I?

This is make me feel so old year, no update skills. So sad.

So this year, I will :

1. Install UNIX (Ubuntu first; and after I have MacBook, I will use MacOS)
2. Download Python and Laravel
3. Learn AngularJS

I hope this resolution (in work scope) will be happen.


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