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30 minus one


That's my age this year, nothing special with that number. I have no memories about this number, except 29 is my angkot number when I was high school at Yogyakarta. Only 6 months using angkot before given motorcycle from my brother. Honda Astrea Grand 1995, she was legendary in motorcycle world. Very economical, and highly durable.

29, it's mean more than half of my life spend far from hometown. I'm leaving hometown in 2002, when my age 14. Next 15 years spent at Yogyakarta 7 years, Semarang 2 months, Bogor - Jakarta 8 years. Some part in my heart tell something, when you go back to your hometown or maybe Yogyakarta. When your life go slower than life in Jakarta. When you no need to spend 4 hours hit the road. When you no need to spend 9 hours to work. When you can spend more time with your family.

In the other side, instead of go back. I want to pursue my dream, to study further more and more. Live at European country, get a job, build house, and spend my whole live there.

It's really contradiction. But, maybe that is my reflection for this year. Maybe this post isn't for you. Just want to memorize my reflection.


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