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Social Media is Toxic

You must be a social media user too. Almost all of us, the internet user have social media account. From most popular, Facebook, then Twitter and many more like Path and Instagram.

I always classified my social media account, to split its functionality. Like Facebook is for general purpose : family, old and new friend, work mate, or community friends. So I will only post something very carefully here.

Then Twitter is for update information anything on Twitterland. Even mostly, there is always any Twit War or hate speech. Or someone who always try to debate an expert. I just want to find something funny here.

Then Path and Instagram. IMO, this is the most dangerous social media based on envy level. Mostly posting on this social media can make other people envy. Especially when we cannot afford that things. Like a luxury trip, newest gadget, good camera, new car, new house. Some of us can handle those envy feelings, when other people cannot do it. They will feels so dissapointed when they cannot afford what they see at social media.

Some single person can be envy with a marriage or in relationship person. Then a marriage or in relationship person can be envy with a couple that already have a child. Then envy with people that already have 2 child.

If we just can see to another people success story, without knowing what they already sacrifice for that. We only will be have a broken heart.

Envy. Envy. Envy.

See ourself before comparing with other people.

July 17th 2017


Sent from my iPhone


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