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Lyfe is Love Live

Few days ago, I've been asked by my boss to discuss something about my performance at work. I really appreciate him for everything that he give to the team, every chance and trust to his team. In that meeting, we discuss about anything that (maybe) distract my work performance. He still give a huge chance for me. Then make sure, I still have focuss to the job.

In another day, I tell this story to my wife. She told me that my boss is true. Then she told me anything about me and my character. Sometimes, critics and suggestions are harsh words for me. (Then I realized that I'm an anti critics). But when the words came from the one you loved and love you too, it's called Love. She try to make me better. As simply as that.

When we face something wrong on our life, we cannot just blame someone or something. It's must be something wrong with yourself. I just realized it now.

I always depend on someone. Less responsible. Not detail oriented. Dirty code. Not giving 110% of my heart to anything, even worse not give near to 100%. Once My (ex) client said that not to be creative. Your creativity not used here. I always blame to this words. Then make me never give a 100% performance and heart to anything that I did.

Yes, you can blame me to anything that happened. No excuse.

I just realized the point that wrong in my life.

Stop arguing. Stop excuse. Start to be more visionaire. More consistent. Give a attention to the every detail that I do/did.


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